Saturday, June 15, 2013

Youtube Channel

Ok, so this is going to be a bit of a rant/whine.  How are you supposed to get people to see your channel on youtube?  I have seen many other videos with less than 0 production applied to it and they somehow get 300K views and tonnes of positive comments for 15 seconds of them filming something and saying something which is supposed to, but has no comedic value.  Now I try to put some effort into my videos and take approximately a couple of hours into making sure that it is funny or entertaining in some way and for some reason it takes me years to get anywhere near 301 views.  I find 301 a milestone as that is when youtube feel that they should change the way they estimate views to your video.  Now some videos on my channel are just quick recordings and have 0 production applied to them and I expect them to only get less than 10 views.  I am not talking about these videos but I just cannot see how it all works.  Maybe I'm naive in thinking that hard work means anything.  I am sure that someone can work hard and still produce different levels of content but they all at least show some evidence of talent which in this complex diverse world of ours, someone is bound to enjoy.  Maybe my audience is some thinly spread niche comparable to other life in the universe.  Its there but the separation is too great for any form of communication.  Anyway, like I said this is a bit of a rant/whine and if you are in the least bit interested here is a plug for my channel.


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    1. I forgot this was a thing although out of my budget which is $0. But this did help me put things into perspective when comparing my view counts vs others. Thank you

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