Monday, June 17, 2013

Worlds Greatest Cup of Tea Video #1

So I have started production on the video for the "How to make the worlds greatest cup of tea" video.  I did not think that I should start without any planning but I just had to test out this scene no matter what hardware I have.  I learned a couple of new things in the editing software which I am using and that was to create masks on videos which I plan to overlap.  I am purposefully not going into any details as I think this would diminish the effect of the video although some of my 'fans' probably think that this is impossible lol.  The other thing I learned was a correct method to do color correction.  Like sound I have always had problems when trying to create a perfectly even picture with great contrast and a professional look.  With sound I get a little lost with frequencies and end up not having an even distribution of the right tones and one thing that sounds good to me at the time may sound a little too scooped or muffled.  I seem to have the same problem when eye-balling video for a professional look and may end up with too bright highlights and tones which have been crushed all to hell.  By using a graph and techniques I can better adjust the picture without sliding down an ever adjusting baseline to video shitness.  I am still needing better hardware for recording as the camera I am using 'Kodak Z1275' is not even a camcorder, but just a still camera which is capable of basic 1280x720@30fps.  This camera eats batteries like a starved bear occasionally eats tourists, rapid and without mercy.  It also constantly adjusts its focus like an adhd child on speed at their first rave.  But that's enough hyperbole for now for fear of boring you to death... (See what I did there?)

I may keep you posted with progress, unless nobody gives an oddly shaped shit about this.  If you are reading this then please make your presence known in the comments and If enough people comment then I'll upload this first scene to my youtube channel..

hey colin, where can I find your channel??

Thank you for asking odd sounding italic person.. You can find it here

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