Wednesday, July 5, 2017

An open letter to Carpenter Brut,

An open letter to Carpenter Brut,

I just want to say ‘Thank You’ for your music.  Now you can stop here or continue reading on to understand why I felt I had to tell you this.  It started back in November of 2014, I am a British citizen living in USA and I was leaving work late.  I had meant to leave on time because it had started snowing but I got a last minute message from a co-worker needing help.  After I did that I rushed home.  During my journey I ran over some black ice and veered into oncoming traffic and ended up in a head on collision at approx 50-55 mph.  Everyone was not physically hurt but she, the other driver’ was pissed, and rightly so.  I felt guilty even tho it was an accident. Over the next couple of weeks I suffered with depression over the whole shocking event.  It was nearing Christmas which is my 2nd favorite time of year, 1st is Halloween.  I like Christmas because it is the only time of the year where the media are not fucking assholes and doom ‘n’ gloom.  Nothing I was watching or doing was cheering me up. I tried going through the motions of playing my favorite games or watching comedy or uplifting cheesy Christmas movies but nothing was helping in the slightest. Not even Gladiator battles on PS3 Move.  I would have small spurts of optimism but it would be followed by guilt or fear.  I was scared that I would have to go through life feeling like nothing was exciting or uplifting anymore, at that point suicide was not an option but I was certainly thinking about it in a unique and scary way.  

By now you know where this is going but let me tell it anyway.  I was at work trying to make it through the day and not become useless enough to lose my job when I got a notification in my email about a new video from Corridor Digital.  I love their work and appreciate the effort they go to to produce quality videos.  It was a video called. “Mini Drones Blew Up My Toys!” and for the first time I felt energized and less meek.  I immediately went to the the description to look for a link to the music and started on EP I and let that play through while I worked.  By the time I got half way through “Le Perv”  I was already a ticking timebomb of emotion and then as that track came to a close I was literally in tears (and yes I do know what literally means haha).  Typically I listen to all kinds of Metal, mostly Death or Melodic Folk Metal but lately I cannot get enough of all three of your EPs.. I only wish I could hear your earlier stuff haha.

Now this could stop here, but from here you had inspired me and lead me into a genre I did not venture into much, mainly because I have never heard it done in a way which was not dull, repetitive and predictable.  I liken most music in this genre as happy and formulaic and thus predictable, like a spectrum of color which evenly blend into the next.  You take a beat and a bass, add some melody, change the bass but keep the melody, change the melody again, change the drums a little. Before you know it the whole track went nowhere.  However your music breaks “rules” and is unexpected and your choice in instruments compliments the overall sound. To use the color analogy again, Instead of just blending in, your music has hard lines, complimentary colors and black accents more like an abstract painting than a repetitious colorwheel.  Your music tells a story, I love that. And I wanted to create my own because of that.  And this is the real reason that I am writing this.  You inspired me to write the best music I have ever written for myself.  I sometimes tear up listening to my stuff because for a second there I feel like I am listening to someone else’s music and the fact it came from my mind is just the icing on the cake.  Without you, I would not be at the position I am at now.. Again, Thank you!

PS I am better now and my depression was temporary; however the feelings I get from listening to your stuff stick with me and I do enjoy the way I feel when listening to your stuff.  You are exceptional.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Worlds Greatest Cup of Tea Video #1

So I have started production on the video for the "How to make the worlds greatest cup of tea" video.  I did not think that I should start without any planning but I just had to test out this scene no matter what hardware I have.  I learned a couple of new things in the editing software which I am using and that was to create masks on videos which I plan to overlap.  I am purposefully not going into any details as I think this would diminish the effect of the video although some of my 'fans' probably think that this is impossible lol.  The other thing I learned was a correct method to do color correction.  Like sound I have always had problems when trying to create a perfectly even picture with great contrast and a professional look.  With sound I get a little lost with frequencies and end up not having an even distribution of the right tones and one thing that sounds good to me at the time may sound a little too scooped or muffled.  I seem to have the same problem when eye-balling video for a professional look and may end up with too bright highlights and tones which have been crushed all to hell.  By using a graph and techniques I can better adjust the picture without sliding down an ever adjusting baseline to video shitness.  I am still needing better hardware for recording as the camera I am using 'Kodak Z1275' is not even a camcorder, but just a still camera which is capable of basic 1280x720@30fps.  This camera eats batteries like a starved bear occasionally eats tourists, rapid and without mercy.  It also constantly adjusts its focus like an adhd child on speed at their first rave.  But that's enough hyperbole for now for fear of boring you to death... (See what I did there?)

I may keep you posted with progress, unless nobody gives an oddly shaped shit about this.  If you are reading this then please make your presence known in the comments and If enough people comment then I'll upload this first scene to my youtube channel..

hey colin, where can I find your channel??

Thank you for asking odd sounding italic person.. You can find it here

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Youtube Channel

Ok, so this is going to be a bit of a rant/whine.  How are you supposed to get people to see your channel on youtube?  I have seen many other videos with less than 0 production applied to it and they somehow get 300K views and tonnes of positive comments for 15 seconds of them filming something and saying something which is supposed to, but has no comedic value.  Now I try to put some effort into my videos and take approximately a couple of hours into making sure that it is funny or entertaining in some way and for some reason it takes me years to get anywhere near 301 views.  I find 301 a milestone as that is when youtube feel that they should change the way they estimate views to your video.  Now some videos on my channel are just quick recordings and have 0 production applied to them and I expect them to only get less than 10 views.  I am not talking about these videos but I just cannot see how it all works.  Maybe I'm naive in thinking that hard work means anything.  I am sure that someone can work hard and still produce different levels of content but they all at least show some evidence of talent which in this complex diverse world of ours, someone is bound to enjoy.  Maybe my audience is some thinly spread niche comparable to other life in the universe.  Its there but the separation is too great for any form of communication.  Anyway, like I said this is a bit of a rant/whine and if you are in the least bit interested here is a plug for my channel.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


What is PEMDAS?

PEMDAS is the order in which we do mathematical calculations. Each letter stands for the following. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction.
These are arranged as follows.

P > E > MD > AS
P precedes E precedes M&D*  precedes A&S*

***NOTE: M&D are of equal importance and are to be resolved from left to right after Exponents.
***NOTE: A&S are of equal importance and are to be resolved from left to right after Multiplying and/or Dividing.

First is the P and that stands for Parentheses which have to be done first. e.g.

(1 + 3) x 2

First we do 1+3=4 and then 4 x 2 = 8. However whatever lies inside of the parentheses also have to follow the rules of PEMDAS e.g. (11 + (1 x 3 + 1)) x 2.*
Find the parentheses, within those parentheses look for more parentheses. When you are inside the innermost parentheses you may continue onto E which are the Exponents.

23 = 2x2x2 = 8.

Before we do any Multiplication we first have to figure out how many times we must multiply the same number by itself. For the benefit of this tutorial we are not going to deal with P and E. This will be a more advanced tutorial.  Right now we will just be dealing with MDAS.

***NOTE: Start with red, then add red to orange, add orange to yellow and multiply yellow by green

What is MDAS?

Well for a start let us first remove something which I find to be a little redundant.  The S on the end stands for subtraction which we can do completely without.  How can we do this? There really is no such thing as subtracting, this can be easily trumped by a different concept.

It is a lot better to add negative numbers instead of subtracting positive ones. Here is an example. With addition, it does not matter which order you add the numbers together you will get the same sum.  WIth subtraction, if you rearrange the numbers the difference changes based on which number you start with.  This is a problem. When we rearrange the numbers we are actually changing the value of the first number from a negative to a positive or vice versa.

6 - 2 = 4 2 - 6 = -4
2 is negative 2 is now positive
   6 is now negative

If we add negative numbers then we can rearrange the values however we want and still get the same answer because we are keeping the individual values constant

6 + (-2) = 4 (-2) + 6 = 4
2 is negative 2 remains negative

1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 5 + 6 becomes 1 + 2 + (-3) + 4 + (-5) + 6 and equals (-5) + (-3) + 2 + 6 + 1 + 4

-8  -7  -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1  0  +1  +2  +3  +4  +5
If we were to use a number line to calculate the value of this sum, even if we rearrange the numbers to put the 5 as the first number, because 5 is actually negative (-5) we can make sure we start at the correct place on the number line and then continue to solve the sum and get the same answer no matter which order we do this in.

Another problem which subtraction gives us it when we include multiplication. Consider

9 - 4 x 2

If we do this from left to right then we would fail to recognize the 4 as (-4) and then when we multiply this number we will get the wrong value which will be wrong by 2 x absolute value. Multiplying negative numbers results in a negative answer unless both factors are negative.

9 + (-4) x 2 != 10 9 + (-4) x 2 = 1
9 + (-8) !=10 9 + (-8) = 1

Still if we continue to do this problem from left to right then we will still get a wrong answer which will be explained later

What is MD > A?

Now that we have been able to remove the concept of subtraction and replaced it with the concept of adding negative numbers we can now move onto the correct way to solve problems.
Imagine that there are real objects of a certain kind behind a curtain. You have no idea of knowing how many there are but you have a clue written on the outside of the curtain.  The clue was constructed using the number of objects as a starting point.  While we do not know the starting number of objects we can still use the clue and mathematics to derive the number of objects behind the curtain.

Lets start with 7.  There are seven chairs behind the curtain.  We can arrange those seven chairs a number of ways.  We can group them up into 3 groups of 2 which will leave 1 left over. Or we can group them into 2 groups of 3 with one left over or we can group them into 7 groups of 1.

Lets take the first example where we group them into 3 groups of 2 with one left over.  This would be represented as the following 3x2+1 now if we do this from left to right, we get the answer we started with which is 7.  What if we moved it around to make 2x3+1? well we get the same answer because like addition, it does not matter which order we arrange the multiplication numbers, we get the same product. Now here it gets tricky to explain.

Remember PEMDAS? we removed P and E and saved them for a later tutorial and we removed the S in llew of simply just adding negative numbers in order to keep the negative value rooted to the correct value. so now we are faced with MDA. really we need to look at this differently.

P > E > MD > AS

We arrange this in a way to remind us that we must Multiply and Divide (from left to right might I add) before we add numbers. Here is why

Lets take our previous example of 7 being represented by 3x2+1.  

3 x 2 + 1 = 7

Lets switch this around to make 1 + 3 x 2 and solve from left to right.

1 + 3 x 2 = ?

This should be valid right? I mean it does not matter which order we add things because we always get the same answer.  HOWEVER!! we do not know what 3x2 is yet.  What happens if we ignore the fact we have to do the multiplication first. Well we have 7 chairs behind the curtain and we represented with 3 x 2 + 1 so let’s flip the order in which we work with 1 + 3 x 2 and do this from left to right. well 1 + 3 is 4, times that by 2 and we get 8??  What happened there? We now have one more chair. Where did it come from? did someone sneak it in behind the curtain? Ok well if we pull back the curtain we will still see 7 chairs because the math is now wrong.  This ‘extra’ chair came into existence because we did addition before multiplication. when we added 1 to 3 we then created another chair to be added to the second group of 1+3 which is not what we started with.  We had 2 groups of 3 and then 1 more added to it. If we had 8 chairs then we would represent this by (1 + 3) x 2 because 8 chairs can be arranged into 2 groups of 4. And  4 chairs can be arranged into a single group of 1 plus a single group of 3.  So to represent 8 chairs we first must add 1 and 3, to get 4, before we define how many groups there are of 4 which in this case is 2. But we did not have 8 chairs, only 7 so to do addition before multiplication broke reality. Simple rule to remember is to never add to a factor.

In multiplication we take the two factors and multiply one by the other to get a product.
2 is a factor and 3 is the other factor required to get the product of 6

In the diagrams below you can see that 2 x 3 is represented by showing 2 groups of 3 TP rolls but you can also identify them as being represented by 3 groups of 2 TP rolls depending on whether you mentally group them horizontally or vertically.  Either way whether it is 3 x 2 or 2 x 3 they still produce 6. What we do notice is that we do not allow any part of the multiplication to cross the addition boundary. and vice versa unless we explicitly show that we want to do that with the use of parentheses as in the case of (1 + 3) x 2. This means that one of the factors of the multiplication has been represented by 1 + 3 instead of 4.  We are not adding to a factor, the addition is the factor.
A visual representation of 7 rolls of TP arranged into 2 groups of 3 with the addition of 1
A visual representation of 7 rolls of TP arranged into 1 with the addition of 2 groups of 3
A visual representation of what would happen if you added before multiplying with the same figures

Here are all the combinations using the same digits and operators and their answers.

1.)  1 + 2 x 3 = 7 2.)  (1 + 2) x 3 = 9 3.)  1 + 3 x 2 = 7 4.)  (1 + 3) x 2 = 8
5.)  2 x 3 + 1 = 7 6.)  3 x 2 + 1 = 7

Notice how the following equal example 4 (2 + 2) x 2 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 23 = 8
Where the following do not 2 + 2 x 2 = 2 x 3 = 6


Although on the same tier as Multiplication in the hierarchy, Division is similar to Multiplication as it is the inverse of the way Multiplication operates. Where Multiplication takes a number of similar groups and combines them into a total, or product, Division takes groups and divides them into equal amounts. However; unlike Multiplication, where the factors can be in any order to produce the same product, Division has to have its dividend and divisor in explicit places.

4 ÷ 2 = 2 where 2 ÷ 4 = 0.5

Division is written differently in algebra and referred to differently.  Typically the phrase ‘divided by’ is replaced with ‘over’ and is written as the following

4 Dividend 2 Dividend 1
- = 2 - = 0.5 or - One half
2 Divisor 4 Divisor 2

The same applies when using Division around addition you must never add a number directly to either the Divisor or a Dividend in the same respect that you must never add a number directly to either factor of multiplication.

Consider the following

3 + 6 / 2 = 6 (3 + 6) / 2 = 4.5 3 + 2 / 6 = 3.3333~ (3 + 2) / 6 = 0.83333~

Which should be written as

3 + - = 6

And not as

3 + 6
------- = 4.5

Now with all that said. The following problem which shows up on Facebook a lot is this

6 - 1 x 0 + 2 ÷ 2 = ?

Remember we first do the Multiplication & Division as we find them from left to right paying attention to the multiplication problem actually being -1x0 and not 1x0 even though in this case they both warrant the same answer. -1 x 0 = 0 and don’t forget that 6 - 1 x 0 is actually 6 + -1 x 0 because there is no actual subtraction but the addition of negative numbers.

6 - 1 x 0 + 2 ÷ 2
6 + (-1) x 0 + 2 ÷ 2
6 + 0 + 1

Even if we rearrange the problem to include the division first we will still get the same answer. Please note that when rearranging the problem the + and - operators were arranged also to correctly represent the values e.g. the dividend in 2 ÷ 2 as well as first factor in -1 x 0.

6 + 2 ÷ 2 - 1 x 0
6 + 2 ÷ 2 + (-1) x 0
6 + 1 + 0

In conclusion.
Here are a few simple rules to tackle simple math.
  1. Do not add to a Factor, Divisor or Dividend. Only add to Products, Quotients and other actual values e.g. other additions.
  2. Do not merely subtract but rather add negative numbers. (this helps keep track of whether values are negative or not)
  3. When re-arranging a problem do not forget the polarity of the value, especially Factors, Divisors and Dividends. (e.g. make sure that when multiplying, if a factor is negative that it remains negative and vice versa.)


Thursday, June 14, 2012

How to make the worlds greatest cup of tea

Tea, Its not necessarily in the ingredients, although they help.  And I mean they help a lot.  This guide is written as to help create the best cup of tea without the usual mish-mash of  ingredients and measurements. This guide is completely free of specific ingredients and specific measurements, its all in the technique.

This is my Technique.

Preparation Phase.

  • Use refrigerator water spout and fill kettle with 1 minute of water
  • Place on back-left burner, be sure to center kettle upon burner exactly as to not waste any heat. (sometimes use bigger burner and imagine how the surrounding "extra" heat creates a shield around kettle which makes it boil faster)
  • Browse internet while waiting and succumb to the illusion of "a watched pot never boils"
  • When kettle whistles, dart into kitchen with force as to slide as far as possible in the direction of the stove. make mental note of length of slide. Plan to create graph of slide lengths vs time of day.
  • Open kettle whistle to combat annoying noise and remove kettle from burner. Place 1/20th of kettle on burner and then imagine the hot water rising and rotating inside the kettle.
  • Grab cup from cupboard above the pouring area. (cup size and shape depend on an unknown factor)
  • Open teabag container, even out corners of pyramid teabag and then inhale aroma with medium force.
  • Stand a fair distance from the pouring area and practice throwing the teabag into cup. 
  • Do not approach the pouring area for any other reason than to retrieve teabag unless the teabag enters  the mouth of the cup.
  • (optional) slowly reduce distance to cup upon every attempt to limit time.
  • Grab container of sugar with long handle teaspoon and place it to the right hand side of the cup.
  • Observe photo opportunity.

Ingredient Phase.

  • Pick up kettle and slowly pour water directly onto the teabag, increase water-flow and attempt to inflate teabag by creating a vacuum on one side as to suck air in through the other.
  • Observe the teabag floating on top as the water rises and mentally pat yourself on the back.
  • Grab corner of teabag and dunk teabag a few times to get more flavor from teabag.
  • Take teaspoon and sandwich the teabag between concave side of spoon and side of cup.
  • Take spoon to the trash can and flick teabag into trash can.
  • Retrieve teabag from floor and quickly place in trash with fingers and clean up mess.
  • Remove sugar container lid and scoop enough sugar until you accept that you have enough, and drop into the cup close enough that it does not spill but you do not get the end wet.
  • (optional) prematurely stop flow of sugar if you feel you have previously misjudged.
  • (optional) add small amount of sugar after experiencing "Sugar remorse".
  • Close lid to sugar and resist temptation to put it back next to the teabag container, just because your hands are now in the same position as if you were to put it away.
  • Stir sugar slowly and increase frequency of revolutions until you have created a satisfying whirlpool.

Clean-up Phase.

  • remove spoon from cup and flick remaining tea back into the cup.
  • Take spoon to sink and wash off any remaining tea by running spoon into water stream, 2 times concave side up, 2 times convex side up.
  • Place spoon on paper towel on top of the lid to the sugar container. Take note that the paper towel does not discolor. 
  • Now place sugar container back next to the teabag container. Do this quickly.

Garnish Phase.

  • Immediately go to the fridge and take out the milk.
  • Quickly unscrew milk and pour a satifyingly small amount of milk into tea while it still rotates.
  • Observe spiral as the milk slowly mixes with tea.
  • Place milk back in fridge.
  • Take sip of tea to test taste
  • Regret being so quick to sip tea and put up with burning sensation on lips and tongue.

Another awesome cup of tea.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Number Names

Have you ever looked closely at how we name our numbers? For some reason I cannot stop thinking about it, not to say that I go every day just thinking about it constantly but it is something that I keep going back to.  Here is an example of the problem I find with the conventional way we all know.

How many sides are in a triangle? how often can you expect a bi-monthly magazine? How many do you get when you quadruple something? These names all mean something do they not? So under our current numbering system which is known as the short system, everything is based on powers of a thousand.  This means that one thousand (1,000) is the first power (1,000)^1, this now makes 'a million' the second power of a thousand (1,000,000) = (1,000)^2 which follows to 'a billion' to be the third power.  Now hold on a second, remember when you got that bi-monthly magazine? one came in January and the other came in July did it not? Please do not go looking for it right now, this is a hypothetical situation. But according to this, now "bi" now means three and "tri" has been pushed to mean four. The next time you find that someone is bi-sexual it now makes you wonder how many other ways could they possibly swing.

Ok so since 1976 Europe uses the same numbering system as America.  But before that they had a slightly different system which is called the Long System.. Now I'm sure that was not the name they used, 1975 and earlier due to the fact that this superior logical system was the one and only.  Just like the short system it is based on the powers of an initial value except that value this time is one million.  This means that one million (1,000,000) is the first power (1,000,000)^1 which makes one billion (1,000,000)^2.  See now how that coincides? Bi now means two again and one trillion is written as 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or (1,000,000)^3.

Now is the point where you will call me crazy, but I have constructed my own numbering system which I believe to be even more logical. This system uses powers of ten, which makes the exponent actually count the number of zeros.

 Lets start with Ten (10).

10 Ten 10^1
100 Hundred 10^2

Now this is where we get a little different.  The system I have constructed re-uses the previous names before we move to another name. So first we start with ten, and then because ten-ten would be crazy we move onto hundred. Then we re-use ten with the hundred to create ten-hundred. Now because hundred-hundred would be strange we move onto the next name Thousand. One thousand now would have four zeros as opposed to the usual three we are used to.  There is logic to this, as we play this out we notice that we can figure out the amount of zeros a number has by its name as long as we know how many zeros each initial name has.

1 One 10^0

10 Ten 10^1
100 Hundred 10^2
10,00 Ten-Hundred 10^3
1,0000 thousand 10^4
10,0000 ten-thousand 10^5
100,0000 Hundred-thousand 10^6
10,00,0000 ten-hundred-thousand 10^7
1,00000000 Million 10^8
10,00000000 Ten-Million 10^9
100,00000000 Hundred-Million 10^10
10,00,00000000 ten-hundred-million 10^11
1,0000,00000000 thousand-Million 10^12
10,0000,00000000 ten-thousand-million 10^13
100,0000,00000000 hundred-thousand-million 10^14
10,00,0000,00000000 ten-hundred-thousand-million 10^15
1,0000000000000000 Billion 10^16
10,0000000000000000 ten-billion 10^17
100,0000000000000000 hundred-billion 10^18
10,00,0000000000000000 Ten-Hundred-billion 10^19
1,0000,0000000000000000 thousand-Billion 10^20
10,0000,0000000000000000 ten-thousand-billion 10^21
100,0000,0000000000000000 Hundred-thousand-Billion 10^22
10,00,0000,0000000000000000 ten-hundred-thousand-Billion 10^23
1,00000000,0000000000000000 Million-Billion 10^24
10,00000000,0000000000000000 Ten-million-billion 10^25
100,00000000,0000000000000000 Hundred-Million-billion 10^26
10,00,00000000,0000000000000000 ten-hundred-million-billion 10^27
1,0000,00000000,0000000000000000 thousand-million-billion 10^28
10,0000,00000000,0000000000000000 ten-thousand-million-billion 10^29
100,0000,00000000,0000000000000000 hundred-thousand-million-billion 10^30
10,00,0000,00000000,0000000000000000 ten-hundred-thousand-million-billion 10^31
1,00000000000000000000000000000000 Trillion 10^32

Calculation the number of zeros

ten hun thou mil bil tril quadril quintil
1    2    4 8   16  32 64     128
1   +   4   +   16   +  32
= 53 zeros

The beauty of this system is that we do not need to use so many different names for numbers clear up to numbers with one hundred and twenty placeholders unlike the short system which seems to be illogical and based upon memorizing names rather than using a system which can adapt to be scalable.

the only problems are how to pronounce the numbers,


twelve hundred, thirty four thousand, fifty six hundred and seventy eight million, ninety hundred and thirty four thousand fifty eight hundred and seventy three.

What we notice is that the ten-hundred-thousand digits before we get to the million digits can also fit into the million digits recursively, so when we pronounce the digits within the million section we have to again break them down into tens hundreds and thousands. Simple as that!

Also the fact that million, billion and trillion and soforth again do not resemble their powers. To further confuse the numbering system, new names related to the powers will need to be thought up

As logical as this all works out to be I'm sure no one will want to adopt this crazily over complicated but highly logical numbering system. So for now I will be adopting the Long System with ease as I do not expect to pronounce numbers over ten-thousand.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Writing Digital Metal Music

So I have blogged in the past about writing music and all of the different software I have used to find that nice balance between functionality and ease of use.  If you haven't seen it then click this link

My projects thus far is in creating metal sounding music without touching a single instrument and rather just using plugins within Fruity Loops Studio 10.  I have recently acquired the EZ Drummer plugin with the Drums from Hell add-on which has some pretty sweet sounding drums.  Previous drums inside of FL10 are quite weak sounding and sound like somebody threw a sheet over the drum-kit right before they try to play them.  None of the sounds were crisp and bright sounding which makes them sound all alike when played at speeds above 140bps.  My latest creation thus far is a metal reworking of "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey.  I have had the riff in my head for a while and when I finally got strings for my guitar I was unpleasantly surprised by the fact that my guitar sounds like a contestant guessed wrong during Family Feud and the noise got stuck mid way.  I believe I have a grounding issue with my guitar which may not be helped if my home has a floating ground.  Although the other kind of floating ground may sound cool I assure you that I probably have the inversely cool a.k.a. uncool version.  I have learned to mitigate this sound temporarily by running a wire with alligator clips at each end, connected to the jack plug at one and while the other end is rammed into my mouth between my lip and my gums.  It works so I don't mind mentioning it here.  If; however, I had the crap shocked out of me then I would not have written that here.... I't would have been on youtube.  Anywho, I digress.

Continuing on about my latest project, I have managed to further improve the guitar sound by picking the DIST Metal preset on the Slayer plugin and then routing it to and effects channel which has the Hardcore plugin with two pedals, Chorus and Re-verb.  This is typically a preset also called Country.  Yeah I know but it works! The other effect below Hardcore is Soundgoodizer.  You can play with this to get your taste.  Now the bass was a little overpowering to where the Fruity Compressor did some strange things to compensate, If you turn down the bass in the EQ for the Slayer guitar then you'll do fine.  I highly recommend the EZ Drummer plugin for your drums.  This thing sounds great and certainly gives a good punch to the overall sound.